Our Doctors
Our multi-national team of physicians are recruited from around the world. Together, we provide extensive healthcare and emergency medical services to both expatriate and Vietnamese residents and travellers.

Dr. Linh Ngo

Speciality: Emergency Medicine

Nationality: Germany

Languages Spoken: English, German

Gender: Male

A dedicated doctor with broad clinical expertise, Dr. Linh—a German board-certified general surgeon with colorectal specialty—developed an interest in Emergency Medicine early on in his studies at the medical university in Munich, Germany. During his surgical residency program, he also branched out into pre-hospital emergency medicine, anesthesiology and gynecology, broadening his experience with volunteer posts in Ethiopia, Sierra Leone and Bangladesh, where he practiced obstetrics, surgery and “slum medicine”.


A lesson in humility was learned one day after his graduation when, full of pride as a new doctor, he found himself challenged with having to help a passenger suffering from a seizure on board a flight. The experience grounded him immediately and redirected his focus on enhancing his clinical experience by maximizing exposure to different medical settings.


Working at Family Medical Practice has now given Dr. Linh the opportunity to expand his medical repertoire, giving him experience with tropical medicine and pediatrics while at the same time focusing on general and emergency practice. He also hopes to continue volunteer work in remote regions, when time permits.


Counting himself fortunate to have the chance to settle down with his wife in Vietnam, he spends much of his spare time rediscovering his family and cultural roots. Having once played for the U-14 Philippines National Football Team while growing up in Manila, his physical activities have now switched to yoga and Ultra-Trail running. Dr. Linh, who speaks several languages, including German and French, asserts that the hardest question he has to answer  is always: where he comes from.
