Screening Packages - Ho Chi Minh City


Sexually Transmitted Infections VND 3,965,000


In Vietnam, unsafe sexual practices are widespread. It is quite possible to have an STI for a long time before symptoms occur. Some can be transmitted even with condom use.


Our comprehensive testing package and full lab analysis for the diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are recommended for anyone who has any reason to suspect that they may have been exposed. Untreated STIs can weaken the immune response in your genital area or open sores, increasing your risk of contracting another STI (such as HIV).


The sessions take about one hour and include a full consultation with an infectious disease specialist and tests for HIV, syphilis, chlamydia and gonorrhea. Additional tests depend on the doctor’s advice with 10% discount on published rates.


Hepatitis B Testing Program



Hepatitis B infection rates in Vietnam are among the highest in the world. The virus establishes a permanent struggle with the body’s immune system in the liver, destroying hepatic tissue and impairing its ability to filter and purify your blood stream. This gives rise to cirrhosis, unsightly physical conditions such as bloating and discoloration, and in many cases cancer of the liver followed by death.


If you’ve been assessed by your doctor as being at a high risk of suffering from Hepatitis B, it is critical to undergo a full examination by a specialist to find out how to minimize the danger to your health. We offer a comprehensive hepatitis B testing program to provide all the basic screening procedures and a series of full consultations with a liver specialist. This will help you and your doctor to better understand your risks and to help you take the next important steps in managing this threat.


As this program and any corresponding treatments can take time, costs and frequencies of consultation can be highly variable. For more information on screening or to book an appointment with our specialist, please contact reception at the clinic closest to you.


Cardiovascular Assessment: VND 6,900,000



Coronary disease is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. If you have been assessed by your doctor for a high risk of having a cardiac event, a full cardiovascular examination by a trained cardiologist is critical.


Your cardiovascular screening and consultation session will include a full consultation, ECG, heart echocardiography, and carotid artery Doppler ultrasound. The cardiologist will advise you if any further procedures or courses of medication are required at the time of your consultation or as soon as possible thereafter.

