[Accident Prevention] Toy Safety

Toy Safety
Children love to explore! Often with their mouths or by experimenting with what may fit in their nose or ears! Lots of accidents happen with toys each year that can cause choking, dislodged objects in the body or gastrointestinal problems.
Do you have older children in the home with toys for older ages?
Do they play together?
Have you considered the safety of the objects in your toy box?
- Go through all your child's toys and check if they are broken ( discard if so ), have small parts that dislodge, sharp areas, areas for finger traps or any loose fabric/ hair that could be a choking hazard.
- Check toys for loose ribbons or neck ties as they pose a strangulation risk.
- Consider batteries. Many toys have them and children can swallow them or dislodge disk batteries into areas of the body
- In summary, check the safety but also if the toys are right for the age and development of your child. Toys should stimulate, inspire and develop your child’s skills further… not pose a danger
Author: Abigail Laurie Registered Midwife and Registered Specialist Public Health Nurse, United Kingdom.